Exactly how does this all work? The first step to doing any form of training within program is to have a consultation so that we can establish exactly what your goals and obstacles are. Once we have established a goal we can architect a program designed specifically to get us there as efficiently as possible. Contact me: alphaw@prometheushc.com PROGRAMS Workout schedules are designed based on the individual and the equipment they have access to across one or multiple weeks. With your weekly workout schedule: Macronutrient Profile Calculation Macronutrient Tracking Assistance and Guidance Weekly Audio Check-in Live Communication (Email, Phone, Text) PERSONAL TRAINING Guided in program personal training sessions allow you to perform intense workouts in the most safe and ideal supervised scenario. Training sessions also allow you to assimilate knowledge of Olympic lifts into your workout knowledge. Specialized training is available specifically for spor
It would be great if we could all step into the situation above when it comes to our health however most people don't have the ability to line up all of those dots. Still, after talking with a doctor in order to make sure that you're medically apt if you're going to start at all you should start with a plan. If you don't have the ability to get a customized workout and nutrition plan from a professional designed for your then the best alternative is to research a paradigm that will work for you and apply it to yourself. The IIFYM (if it fits your macros: IIFYM Guide ) concept is a nutrient tracking approach that many learn and adapt to fit their needs. I have included a beginner's fitness workout within this post for any beginners looking to get moving and it includes common commercial gym equipment. Your plan in place its time for the assault! Move into the gym space confidently with the belief and knowledge that you can do all of the exercises you